小美人魚3:愛麗兒的起源/The Little Mermaid:Ariel's Beginning
本片的故事也將首度揭露 Ariel 的母親 Athena 皇後,Ariel 才剛剛出生,母親就遭逢意外,傷心難過的 Triton 國王下令禁止任何的音樂,整個王國從此沈寂了好長一段時間,直到 Ariel 到了她那愛冒險的年紀,在初次相識的小比目魚帶領下,Ariel 來到海底居民的地下聚樂部,原來大家都在這邊勁歌熱舞同樂,連宮廷大臣 Sebastian 也不例外,Ariel 還把姊姊都一起帶來玩,但秘密終究還是無法永遠隱藏,告密者已經向國王通知,Ariel 要如何撫平父親記憶中的傷痛,讓優美的旋律重返海底世界呢?
Every story has a beginning but only one begins under the sea now for the first time ever discover the story you never knew in The Little Mermaid. Long ago in a kingdom where music is outlawed King Triton s youngest daughter Ariel discovers her love for music in a secret underground music club. Torn with the choice of whether to hide her passion or share it with her father and risk losing everything Ariel sets off on a daring adventure to restore music to Atlantica.