最後的男人第二季/最後一人第二季/Last Man Standing Season 2
今天的世界是一個女人的世界,我們的主人公--一個男人中的男人--決心要讓男人回歸他們在社會中應有的地位。這簡直是個不可能的任務!這部劇集由來自 《我為喜劇狂》的制片人Jack Burditt打造,著名笑星Tim Allen主演。Tim Allen亦擔任該劇的執行制片人。 男人創立了人類文明,發明了火車頭,創造了ESPN……但他們很快就會發現,這世界已經不再屬於男人。你再也找不到比Mike Baxter(Tim Allen扮演)有男子氣概的人了。他是一家知名戶外體育用品商店的市場主管,他喜歡冒險,喜歡環球旅行。更重要的是,他開著一輛皮卡車。
Mike Baxter is the marketing director for an iconic outdoor sporting goods store. He loves to have adventures while he's traveling for work and, of course, he drives a pick-up truck. While Mike is king of the hill at work, he's the odd man out in a home that is dominated by women -- namely his wife, Vanessa, and their three daughters, 22- year-old Kristin, 17-year-old Mandy and 14-year-old Eve. After being a stay-at-home mom for years, Vanessa recently returned to the workplace and was quickly promoted (much to the dismay of her primarily male co-workers). As a result of Vanessa's increased work load, Mike is pulled into more hands-on parenting than ever before.